Reading the bible with children

As a more recent believer I am working on reading the bible. It's not something that just happens, but I want to do it, both for myself and in wanting to lead a good example for my child. When she sees me reading the book, it opens up for more discussions about faith and talk about what we believe. I am so curious to hear more of her believes. She has so many smart and interesting ideas and I am learning so much from her. So when do you make time for Bible talk? Do you have a specific time of the day or week for that? We have just recently started to make the time for that and it is so interesting to hear all of the childrens reflections and thoughts on what is going on. Another thing I am thinking about is on how to properly talk about all of the difficult passages in the Bible. There are so many things that is difficult (like people killing eachother) that I certainly don't think she is ready for. At the moment we are skipping those parts and focus our attention onto the t...